We are twenty-three days into the new year! How are you feeling? If you set goals or resolutions — how are they going? While I did not necessarily make any resolutions for the year ahead, I did settle on a single word to live by and serve as a reminder that our God is in control…
My year started in full swing on January 5th with back-to-back gift markets in Dallas and Atlanta. It is always an incredible time being around all our stores, sharing our story, listening to your story and praying for each other. As I was leaving Atlanta heading to the airport to finally come home, I had a bad fall and thought I shattered my knee. I won’t go into all the details, but praise the Lord there were no broken bones or torn ligaments! Just a tired and weary soul aching to come home and rest. On top of that, I also came down with pneumonia and truly have not felt this bad in a long time. So, that is exactly what I did over the next few days – rest. Rest in the Lord knowing that He will heal me. Rest in the Lord knowing that He will go before me and make my paths straight. Rest in the Lord knowing that He will provide for this small company that has such big plans.

As I opened my bible today to Psalm 23, His Word leaped off the page. “The Lord is my shepherd…He will guide and shield me…He refreshes and restores my soul [life]. I will fear no evil, for you are with me…your rod [to protect] your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me. You have anointed and refreshed my head with oil; my cup overflows…”
It’s been hard to watch what is going on in California with all the devastation these fires bring. My heart is truly broken over the loss that both dear friends and strangers are experiencing. I feel helpless when I text someone and ask “how are you doing?” But, I do know that even though they feel as if they are walking through the (sunless) valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is with them…and He will comfort them…He will bring beauty out of these ashes.
My word for the year is RESTORE. I am going to trust in a God who is bigger than we could ever imagine and see how He uses this word in my life, my businesses, my family, and the community around me! Happy New Year!