He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers— all of them skilled workers and designers.
When I was a little girl, I was always creating something, whether it was handmade pocketbooks or a papier-mâché piggy bank or writing. I had a wild imagination, and I knew that one day I would do something with art or books. I spent hours doodling. In third grade, I penned an essay that began, "When I grow up, I'm going to be an artist." This essay gave me the chance to flex my dreaming muscles about my art career.
To this day, I love hearing the dreams planted in young children's hearts. Pablo Picasso famously said, "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist when we grow up."
Fast-forward to my high school years, when I received a D in my studio art class. Friends, I very nearly failed my dream. I wasn't the most academic, but surely I would excel in this part of my dream, right?
Sometimes in my studio I'll approach my canvas with a vision of an angel with spread wings and empty hands, only to find through the process of painting and led by worship music that what appears instead is an angel with folded wings and a violin, perched to praise the Lord. Different from my original vision, but these detours include details He uses to encourage just the right person, for reasons I may not comprehend in the moment.
Back in art class, however, I didn't have that foundation of faith. Instead, I allowed doubt to creep into my heart as I wondered if maybe I'd misunderstood God. In fact, I took my own detour, studying elementary education. Later, I taught third grade, and for those years, my heart and hands were full, shepherding precious children and encouraging them to follow their wild hopes and unfiltered dreams.
Our God is the ultimate Creator, and He instilled in each of us our own creative expression. I simply submit myself to the process, knowing that grades, rankings, and reviews don't define me. I can stand with confidence, knowing full well that the Creator's vision for my life far exceeds any human opinion.
God made each of us in His image, and since He is the greatest creator, we have access to that same creativity. How do you express creativity? In meals you cook? Through fashion? Architecture or engineering? How can you use God's confidence to cultivate your creative expression to share with the world?
Dear God, thank You for creating me. Thank You for instilling within my heart the desire and ability to create. Remind me today, Lord, that when I create beauty, it's because of You, and when I create messes, You can fix them. Thank You for Your artistry, Lord, that gives me so many reminders of Your splendor each day.