In the spring of 2008 I became aware of a local, nonprofit organization, The Allegro Foundation. Through free classes every week they teach more than 500 children with mental retardation, Down's syndrome, orthopedic challenges, spina bifida, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, muscular dystrophy, visual and hearing impairments, and children with cancer. An art collector had recently given an Allegro board member one of my Angel paintings.
Upon receiving this gift, the board member immediately contacted me with the desire to introduce me to Founder, Pat Farmer and their Chief Operating Officer, Jane Fastje. The next thing I knew, I was sitting in a meeting with these two dynamic women and brainstorming about how to incorporate my angels into their fundraising efforts. It was decided that I would donate a large angel painting for an upcoming live auction.
Before starting on this painting for the fundraiser, I attended one of the Allegro classes. From the moment I entered the room, I was overwhelmed by the JOY on each child's face. As I watched the children in their wheelchairs or with the assistance of a volunteer "partner," the magical movement to music and their contagious smiles moved me to tears. It was powerful. I knew that I was in the presence of angels. Precious children created in the image of God. Knowing that each child there was indeed fearfully and wonderfully made and could do all things through Christ who strengthens them.
I went back to the canvas later that week with the images of the children in my heart, which poured out onto the canvas
![Child celebrating](
The night of the auction, my painting was the highest bidding item (that even out-bid a leased Mercedes), netting more than $15,000 for the Allegro Foundation. Once again, I knew that this talent was a gift and was to be used to give back to others.
A year later, we were back at the table brainstorming on ways to raise more awareness and funds for the Allegro Foundation. In October 2009, I hosted my first "Angels in Our Midst" solo show, giving back fifty percent of proceeds to the Allegro Foundation. The Charlotte community stepped up to help out in making this event a huge success. We had five restaurants offering their food, with donated beverages as well as beautiful arrangements of orchids from well-known Campbell's Greenhouse in Charlotte. We raised $10,000 just from selling art. This showed me that I was to surrender my talent for painting over to God, and watch where He would lead me.
‘Anne Neilson's Angels reflect an inner beauty found within all mankind but often overlooked in the medically fragile bodies of children with disabilities served by Allegro Foundation. With the transformative stroke of her paint brush, Anne glorifies God's creations and encourages us all to celebrate the life we have been given.’
This blog post is an excerpt from Anne Neilson's book titled Angels in Our Midst.