“God's unchanging Word equips you with timeless truth. Isaiah declared, ‘The grass withers, and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever.’”
There are so few things that can truly be classified as timeless: A black shift dress, maybe? A work of art? I’d like to think so. Certainly not the icons of pop culture currently swarming my TV and newsfeed. Change happens, and it’s happening to me right now. As I look in the mirror, I see so many physical changes. The texture of my hair for one… I spend so much longer drying this mop, nowadays, and I try not to get mad about it.
But, thankfully or sadly, I can’t decide which at the moment, it doesn’t start and stop at my head. My waistline is changing too. Yikes! I know that if I would exercise a bit more, I could redirect that change for the better. The weather is about to change too, which is a great thing. I love throwing on my jeans, boots and a sweater and relishing in the crisp air (a true pleasure against a Southern summer’s nearly oppressive humidity).
Our family dynamics are also experiencing change. Our home, which was once bustling with toddler voices (how long ago was that, anyway?) is now dwindling in volume as each of my birds leaves the nest. My hobby of painting in my tiny home studio years ago has transformed into an incredible business and ministry that continues to grow and morph.
As I take inventory and account of these shifts, and I think about all of the change swirling around me, I am reminded and comforted that we serve a God who never changes. I cling to His word in Isaiah that His commands are timeless and “our God stands forever.”

Not only is His word true, but it’s everlasting, unchanging. In Ecclesiastes, Solomon makes mention of there being a season for everything under the sun, everything except for the One who created that very sun. No matter what changes you are facing in your life, the joy of adding a new life to your family, the heartache of being unable to, the wonder of a new marriage, the devastation of a crumbling one, the relief of good health or the anxiety of a questionable report, you can rest certain in knowing that the One holds you in the palm of His hand is the One who will not change or shift or quake.
Dear Lord, let us not fear imbalance, instability and constant change, but let us anchor ourselves with the knowledge that You are good; You are true; and Your love is steadfast and will never be found wavering or unsteady.